Treat this film as a high speed 800 ISO film for C-41 processing and push process whenever needed up to 3200 ISO. It can process about 30 or 40 films in 35mm or 120. You probably know that if you shoot with this Tungsten. CineStill 50D Daylight Xpro C-41 135-36 12.80 Price VAT included The films of CineStill bring the unique look & feel of cinema film to 35mm 'still' film CineStill 50 Daylight, is the second film made by the American film manufacturer CineStill. From our tests and user feedback, CineStill 800T is best rated at EI (Exposure Index) 800 in tungsten light when processed in standard C-41 chemistry. Balanced for household lighting at 3200 K, this film is versatile, especially because it can be rated between ISO 200 - ISO 2000 according to the manufacturer. CineStill is an ISO 800 Tungsten film that can be developed in normal C41 chemistry.

Allows a fast process with high performance and great quality of the film. CineStill Xpro C-41 ISO 800 Tungsten 135/36.

Cinestill's new and improved manufacturing process now extends the shelf life, with less noticeable artifacts after expiration! The same advanced motion picture emulsion, safe to process in standard C-41 photo lab machines or at home! This emulsion is optimized for a hybrid workflow, ideal for scanning, and produces a complimentary contrast curve for optical printing on RA-4 paper when processed in C-41 chemistry. The Tetenal Colortec C-41 is a processing kit for negative color film between 38☌ and 45☌ for tank or drums/rotary system.